As the clock turned and another year pasted I reflected upon what has been and what my dreams, hopes and desires are for 2013.
This past year has been one full of growth, happiness, and at times sadness. As an organization JLB Project served 30 individual families. That number is one full of sadness, and great happiness, that we were there for those who needed us in their darkest times.
JLB Project made many strides this year with making growth to outlying areas such as Verde Valley Medical Center. We also continued in creating a stronger bond with Flagstaff Medical center and our community. We reached out to numerous doctors offices and businesses to build more community awareness.
Many amazing events took place this past year including the Carnuval du Chocolat, Little Angels Photo Shoot, and Cowboys and Cabernet. We also received a grant from the Flagstaff Community Foundation to help with funding our care bags and Heart Work Grief Group. Heart Work Grief Group had a great year with the addition of Dr. Chris Gunn to our staff. We also held our very first workshop for couples who have lost their baby. This was a wonderful and insightful day for all who attended, and I think we all walked away with a greater understanding of grief and some tools to help with our journey.
Without a doubt 2012 was a great year for JLB Project so many wonderful things have happened and so much support has been sent our way. It is exciting to think about where we started, which was in a personal journal entry I made not long after losing JLB, to now. WOW! None of the things above could have been done by me alone. It has taken the time and dedication of many, many people to get to where we are today. I look forward to the future of JLB Project. My hope is that in time people will not wonder who JLB Project is but they will know, because they have heard of our work.
Here’s to another great year!
Anna LaBenz
Founder and President of JLB Project